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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Baca Apa di Bulan Januari 2023?

January 17, 2023 0 Comments

Baca apa bulan Januari 2023 ini?

I read 3 books, still in slow reading mode. Target baca tiap hari juga masih kacau balau. As I write back in December, everything seems messed up. I still have to work to solve that.

Anyway... Tiga buku yang kubaca:

1. Desert of Hope from Surah Maryam by Guidelight

2. Pribadi Hebat by Hamka

3. Love and Happiness by Yasmin Mogahed


Beberapa catatan dari buku 2 dan 3.


So, what books do you read this January? Can you share it? (: Boleh komen di sini, atau pm, atau mention di sosmed apapun hehe.

Kalau belum ada yang dibaca, barangkali kamu bisa share wishlist buku yang ingin dibaca Januari ini... ^^

Terakhir, untukku, atau siapapun. Kalau membaca terasa berat, coba cek lagi why-nya. Kalau udah nemu, mari mulai membaca lagi, step by step. From a small baby step. Dari buku-buku ringan yang topiknya kau minati. Semangat baca semuanyaaa ^^

Bye 5!

Reflection 9 January 2022

January 17, 2023 0 Comments

I didn't know that there's a mirror there.
I forget that it can make a twin version of me

Till someone point it out
And I feel caught up

I thought I hide it perfectly behind the smiling mask
I didn't realize, what I write there is a reflection inside my head

So when someone pointed it out
How negative it is
How dark it is
Suddenly I want to hide
I feel busted

I always put a positive remark in whatever I write
But inside those pages
I put it as it is
How I feel about myself
How I see myself
I didn't even think ahead
How other people see it
How they perchieve it
Sometimes I even put an ambigous sentence to make them confuse

I didn't want to be judge by pieces of paper
I am not ready yet to open up
I still have to learn to love myself
to learn how to see everything in a positive sides



PS: I posted it back January 2022. And then put it back to draft some times after posting it.

I don't remember why I wrote this. *now I think I remember haha. Subhanallah, what an amazing brain Allah gives us.

Anyway. I know it's 2023 now.. I haven't write a single post. My last post in 2022 is kinda grey. So I read my drafts, found this and decide to repost it.

If I want to add/change something from what I wrote above.

"Allah doesn't want anybody to judge me by pieces of paper. So He plans, and I'm glad for whatever He writes for my life.

I am still learning how to open up
I am still learning how to love myself, and others.
Still imperfect, and always forget... But hopefully this year is better than years before.

Last, i got nothing else to say, but to recite one of my favorites dua. Laa ilaaha illa anta, subhanaka inni kuntu minazh zhalimin. Wallahua'lam.