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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Duduk Cantik

December 23, 2014 0 Comments

 taken from here



"Cantik.. makannya sambil duduk ya.." ucap Nida kepadaku saat melihat aku berjalan menuju kelas sembari makan siomay. Aku tersenyum kecut kemudian segera duduk di bangku terdekat dari pintu kelas.

Menghilang Dari Peredaran

December 23, 2014 0 Comments

image is taken from here

Maaf, maaf dan maaf. Tidak ada kata lain yang terlintas di otakku selain kata ini. Maaf karena aku akhir-akhir ini menghilang dari peradaran.

Dan kini, lagi. Mungkin akan sejenak rehat menulis di sini. I know, nobody will miss my writing. Hehe. Yes, nobody butuh

Aku akan tetap menulis tapi bukan di sini, berceriTA dan belajar menerjemahkan. Aku akan tetap menulis, tetapi mungkin aku lebih butuh banyak memasukkan air ke dalam teko.Well, time's up.

Do You See The Truth?

December 23, 2014 0 Comments

taken from

Do You See The Truth?

If I was going with a bunch of young men and women on a bus. And we drove by a beautiful mansion. It’s 
just a gorgeous house on top of a hill, on the outside there is the ocean. Just an absolutely beautiful stunning house. And the drive way into the house, there’s a gorgeous car parked outside. And on the back of the house there’s this incredible back yard, and a swimming pool and all of it. O, i mean, whatever you can imagine is there. It’s like a piece of jannah on earth. And you see the guy walking into his house. We’re driving on this bus and we see this guy walking into his house. And I ask these young men and women,

"Do you think that guy successful?
Do you think he’s successful?”
Overwhelmingly, what is going to be the response?

Friday, December 12, 2014

Put Your Trust In Allah

December 12, 2014 0 Comments

Put Your Trust in Allah

And you know what happens to people?

This is the last thing I am sharing with you in shaa Allahu Ta’ala

There are people who Allah makes many things easy for them. Please listen to this carefully. Allah makes many things easy for them. For some of you. Allah made money easy for you. It’s just easy for you. For some of you, confidence is easy. It’s no big deal. Other people get nervous, you don’t get nerveous. For some students of mine. Studies are easy. Like I study, I teach arabic. Some of my students, Wallahi I can tell, Allah made arabic easy for this one. And the other one… Ma khuliqa li dirasatil ‘arabiya. (laugh). He wasn’t made to study arabic. He is the smartest guy in his field. He would be Phd in physics. But he can’t do Mudaf and Mudaf Ilayh. He can’t do it. You know? he wasn’t made for it. It’s tough for him. Not everybody is the same.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

I Believe It When I See It

December 07, 2014 0 Comments

I Believe It When I See It

There’s a saying we have in America, I’ll tell you the saying. They say, “I’ll believe it when I see it”. That’s what they said.

If you don’t have something to show me, don’t waste my time. 
I don’t wanna hear this Quran stuff. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

I had a student like that in college when I used to teach in college. I used to teach Arabic and most of my students were non Muslims. And a guy came up to me, and he’s a student and he said,

Professor, I like Islam.. I like it. It’s cool. But I just.. You know, I haven’t seen anything. Can you take me like a jinn possession or something? If I could just see something.. You know, I’d be good.”

Our Woman Were Educated

December 07, 2014 0 Comments

Our Women Were Educated

There’s a beautiful story from the history of Al Andalus where the Khalifah at the time, he wanted to find someone to marry his son. And the khalifah, he doesn’t just want –you know- anyone to marry his son. He wanted to find the best girl available. So he made a proclaimation in the city of Cordoba. He said if there is a family who has a girl that’s of the age that’s ready for marriage, meaning maybe you know 16-20 years old, and she has memorized the entire Qur’an, put a candle in your window tonight. 

They said the entire city was lit up that night. Because there were so many young girls who have memorized the Qur’an, so he said.. my son can’t marry that many women. 

Are You Sensitive Enough? (2)

December 07, 2014 0 Comments
-muhasabah diri-


"Meow.. meow", kucing itu berjalan mondar mandir mengelilingi meja. Dua orang sedang duduk menyantap makan siang di sana. Aroma tongkol mengundang kucing yang kelaparan itu mendekat.

"Hush.. hush" usir satu orang dan seseorang lainnya terlihat ketakutan karena posisi si kucing seolah akan loncat ke meja mereka.


Are You Sensitive Enough? Ya, kucing memang sering kali mendekat ketika mereka lapar dan mencium aroma makanan dari piring kita. Ia memang tidak memiliki ekspresi memohon seperti gambar di atas, tapi tahu kah? Ia sedang memohon kepada kita.

Monday, December 1, 2014