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Saturday, April 1, 2023

On Attachment



"...try to see your attachment like you would an itch, your instinct might be to frantically scratch the itch hoping that it would go away.

And yet, what you're doing is making the itch bigger and more intense. Probably it might even cause a wound that causes you even more pain.

The next time you feel that itch (when the desire rises within you, or a sense of anxiety at losing your job or your pride, or resentment when somebody doesn't think much of your opinion)), instead of scratching it, just recognize it for what it is: a temporary sensation that will soon go away if you just ignore it or leave it alone.

You don't have to succumb to it's call, however tempting, or to its command, however insistent. Because at the end of the day, nothing is permanent and it too will pass."

*The Art of Solitude* - Desi Anwar, GPU




Teorinya begitu. Mudah ya. Menganggap sebuah attachment yang kita miliki seperti rasa gatal. Tapi tentu praktiknya tidak semudah itu. Saat ikatan 'attachmen'-nya begitu kuat, hingga menjadi kebiasaan buruk, atau obsesi, maka untuk melepaskannya pun, perlu strategi lebih dan usaha lebih keras.


I think I fail on this one. Ustadz Omar Suleiman mengingatkan untuk menulis juga to not do list kita selama Ramadan. I don't make one. Dan hm.. I regret not making it before Ramadan. Beberapa hari kepikiran terus, tapi gak juga buat, sebagian hati merasa terlambat, sebagian ingin mengumpulkan excuse. But... let's just write about the topic of attachment here, so I know how it will slow down our to do list.

My attachment is... handphone. I wish I could control myself to react to every distraction it contains of. I should have use laptop more, and do more productive things, like reading and writing, and joining 'classes'. I miss last year's Ramadhan where I used a share phone. Like literally. So I only use handphone around a particular time.

Let's not make another excuse. Let's just post this. And make a personal not to do list somewhere else, with the mind to act upon it.


Oh ya, buku The Art of Solitude ada versi bahasa Indonesianya kok. Aku sengaja pilih yang versi bahasa inggris karena pengen baca buku bahasa inggris di iPusnas, dan langka (read it as indonesian word, and not javanesse wkwkwk). Kadang mikir, ada gak ya, aplikasi cem iPusnas, yang bisa pinjem buku, tapi buku-buku bahasa inggris yang free hehe. Kalau ada yang tahu, boleh di share yaa. Pengen banyak baca buku bahasa inggris biar kosakatanya naik, dan kemampuan readingnya juga naik.


Sekian. Mohon maaf atas semua kesalahan. Tetep semangat Ramadan yaa.. it's okay to feel up and down, but down be drown to the feelings. buat kamu yg F-hehe. Kalau yang orang T mah lempeng ya? haha.


Syukuri prosesnya, kuatin usahanya, hasilnya biar di tangan Allah. Banyakin doa semoga amalan kita terima. Iya, aku lagi ngingetin kamu Bell! Ini beneran sekian. Bye 5~ Have a good evening^^


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