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Friday, February 19, 2021

Without Address


*warning* just random and abstract thing

I think I get it now, why you said you rather choose the other way. Like it doesn't always be the process you need to take. Cause I do always feel like what's written in those paper can't actually speak who is me. But for me, I still kinda positive and believe that somehow, even if what's written there don't impress people, someday Allah will put the paper in the right hand. And He's the one who moves people heart. And that's it.

And although I didn't rely on what's written on the paper. It doesn't mean I don't have the kind of negative feelings you might also feel. Or don't. *I don't know. But yeah, there are times that I avoid, and choose not to fill anything in the paper, who wants to tell the world the big failure of their life? The failure that people might never understood, or compromise. I don't blame them on that, cause I do have a hard time accepting it, so it's even more natural for other people to not accept it.



PS: I'll fill that form sure, but later.. later, when I feel a little bit better. bjr21

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