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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Take A Walk


Pesan pendek, untukku, atau untuk siapapun yang sudah terlalu lama duduk.

Berhenti! Ya, berhentilah sejenak dan berdiri. Kau sudah terlalu banyak duduk.

Ayo berdiri dan melangkah.


Hei! Sempatkan jalan kaki pagi atau sore meski hanya 15-20 menit.

Your body, your mind, and your soul need it. Feels the sunshine, break a sweat, breath a fresh air under trees.

Take a walk, have a tiny excercise. Take a walk, declutter your mind. Take a walk, while still being connected with Him. Maybe by doing dzikr. Or observing and pondering from what you see when you're taking a walk. How the grass is green, and the sky is blue. How the bird can fly, and not fall. *no it's not because they have wings. 67:19 (do I remember the right number?)

Anyway, you've been sitting for too long. Get up and take a walk. Or make yourself coffee or tea. Or stretch. Or have a snack. Or rest your eyes. Or take a no screen break. Or call a friend. And if you don't have one, call your family, your parents, they'll be happy that you call them first. (:

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.


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