This is not about opening up to someone...
So I deliver the news, and also things that have been kicking my mind when I choose to pending that news.
And then I see that sentence in the reply. The sentence I put in the title box.
Part of me want to explain, bit I'm too tired. So here I am, I choose to write here instead.
Aku tahu dua hal tersebut tidak ada hubungannya. Aku hanya ingin berkeluh kesah dalam kalimat ambigu. Salahku menyatukannya dalam satu pesan, seolah dua hal tersebut berhubungan.
It's not about opening up to someone. Yes it's not connected. The news is the news, finished.
And the later part, is things that I struggle the most since a long time ago. I'm just too afraid, that after this, I will be holding that door close more tight, and make sure I don't open it for a long long time before I bottle up and really need an air to breath.
But I hope I don't become like that.. I hope I don't become like that.. Cause I know how healthy it is to open the door often, to let go things that's been messy inside, and unravel the the thread that I have to knit.
But I hope I don't become like that.. I hope I don't become like that.. Cause I know how healthy it is to open the window often, and let the fresh air bring more oxigen to the dusty and stuffy room. As if it brings more space for me to breath.
I know it's not about opening up to someone. But it is.
I just can't explain it to you how it is connected somehow.