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Wednesday, October 2, 2019



-Muhasabah Diri-

I told you that we focus our mind on the wrong things. And the analogy I'd like to give is like the consumption of junk food. If you eat a lot of junk food, and then you've thrown an apple or two every once in a while, it's actually not necessarily a healthy diet. Nor are you going to see the positive effect of eat fruits once a year, just because your digestion is overwhelmed with foods that are no good for you. You understand? 
So what happens if you're constantly taking in useless information,  you're exposing yourself to what isn't beneficial. And then every once in a while, or everyday even, you're stuck in a lecture like this one, where you're hopefully maybe learning something positive, something beneficial. Then you're not gonna necessarily see positive results, like in one year out the other. Why? Because your mind is still focus on what? Corrupt things.
- Nouman Ali Khan

Jika boleh beregois ria, aku ingin menyimpan kalimat-kalimat di atas untukku sendiri. Karena saat aku menyalinnya di sini. Ada konsekuensinya. Dan aku takut akan konsekuensi itu.

Tapi menyimpannya di One Note, membacanya sendiri sesekali, aku rasakan tak berefek pada diri. Entah sekeras apa, sampai pesan dan nasihat yang benar itu sulit untuk dijadikan langkah kaki. Hm..


Maybe that's the challenge of our generation. Sekarang, saat begitu banyak informasi simpang siur. Dari mulai berita hoax, sampai update kehidupan hari orang-orang sekitar, termasuk hal-hal lain yang tidak seharusnya mengkonsumsi waktu kita.

Dan kamu bertanya, mengapa hidup terasa sulit? Coba tengok waktu luangmu!\

The question is how much free time do you and I spend, thinking about how terrible life is, sitting there doing nothing, letting our mind take us around in circles. While we sit there, completely unproductive, completely paralyzed. 
And Allah says, you have way too much free time on your hands and you're not exhausting yourself. When you're not exhausting yourself, you are allowing the difficulty to win.
- Nouman Ali Khan

Last but not least, an apple once in a year won't bring any effective effect. So please, stop consuming useless information. Please... stop wasting your time doing 'nothing'. Keep yourself busy doing things for the sake of Allah or help someone else.


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