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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Getting Through An Emotion


#buku #nukilbuku

Nukil buku "Shattered Glass ; Healing A Broken Heart" | Yasmin Mogahed


The quickest way to get through an emotion is to feel it. Then it passes. But we do not do that. Which is interesting because it is self-sabotage. We are actually keeping it longer and making it worse. So you have an emotion; instead of feeling it, you have judgments about it, you beat yourself up about it, you surpress it. What you have done now is just paused. Not just that, you have also enlarged it. It could have past if you just feel it and get over it.

So when a person is dealing with grief, or loss for example, and they are not allowed to really address it, or resolved it, what ends up happening is now that sadness turn into anger. You have not allowed it to resolve itself and you have not given any release to it. So it is like food that you leave outside on the kitchen counter for weeks, months; what happens to it? It used to be a delicious cheese cake, now it is covered in mold. This is what actually happens internally with people. Their feeling turned toxic. The grief was not toxic; the sadness was not toxic; it needed to be resolved, you needed to feel it, you needed to get through it. Maybe you needed therapy, help to get through it, you need to return to Allah with it. But it can be resolved and cleaned up, and then you get through it.

But when you are not doing that, it turns toxic. And now it can turn into anger and resentment. Internally you are becoming hardened. This anger is not just at the world, but it is at God. "I am angry at Allah because how could He do this to me." You can see now why this happens and this is dangerous and most toxic thing ever. It is the gunshot wound that never addressed and you covered it up and it got infected.

--Yasmin Mogahed


Pesanku, untuk siapapun yang masih berjuang untuk berhenti "self-sabotage" and belajar "merasakan emosi". Semoga Allah memudahkan.

Pelan-pelan, bukalah luka tembakan yang kau tutupi, pergi ke dokter, obati infeksinya, minta kesembuhan pada Allah. Sesungguh, Allah, yang menyembuhkan kita saat kita sakit.

Jika ada, emosi yang berubah menjadi racun karena kita terus menerus menekannya, semoga Allah berikan penawarnya. Kita cuma perlu meminta padaNya, dengan suara lirih, dengan hati yang tunduk dan pasrah kepadaNya. Karena kita mengakui bahwa diri ini lemah, dan Allah Maha Kuat. Karena kita mengakui bahwa diri ini membutuhkan pertolongan, dan pertolonganNya... dekat. 



Keterangan: Tulisan ini juga diikutkan dalam komunitas #1m1c (Satu Minggu Satu Cerita). Berbagi satu cerita, satu minggu.

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