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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

SelfD #21: What are my priorities?




This is a hard question. Not because I don't know the answer. Cause I have two version of it. Ideally and reality.


Reality, I think I focus too much on myself.


Ideally, I should prioritize Allah first, then my husband, then me. I should prioritize with things that are usefull for my growth, and abandone things that are dangerous for me in a short term or long term.


I should prioritize quran, than social medias. I should prioritize studying than entertaining myself. I should prioritize a healthy meal over junk food. I should prioritize a morning walk than staying inside blanket. I should prioritize finishing my draft than writing fiction inside my head. 



Conclusion, I still have to manage my priorities. I still need to build a strong why, surround myself with supportive system (people, place, etc) so that I remember my priorities. 

That's all for today selfd. I still got 9 more question I should answer. I should prioritize finishing this series, instead of writing random mumbling inside my head.


I wish I could just write in Indonesia soon. I know I make a lot of mistakes when writing in english. But that's out of topic. Let's end it here.






Baca juga:





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