Follow Me

Friday, September 15, 2023

SelfD #18: What am I thankful for?




I'm thankful, for every sense Allah gave me. The five sense + not the kind of sixth sense people define. But also heart. I hope I have "a healthy heart", that can see, hear and feel. And that can choose good instead of bad, despite all of the difficulties surround it.

I'm thankful, for the best plan from Allah. Without His help, I might still be drowning, deep in the darkness. But He surround me with good people. My parents, my siblings, my spouse, my friends, and all the good writer out there, who might never know, that I read and learn so much from what they write.

I'm thankful, for the chance to live. Still. As I still breath a free oxigen today. I know, how much I don't deserve it, if I count my rebel, and sins, and lack, and all the negative things within me. But this chance to live remind me, that His Door always open 7x24. So, what's holding you back? Can you just throw that away, so He can give you things that are far more better.


I'm thankful, for a good program out there that become my support system to be a better me. Recently I just join one of them, and I think it really helps me to connect with His words. I hope I can be consistent and focus on implementing it, instead of just do it to finish. @hiduplahbersamaquran (for muslimah only)

I'm thankful, for this blog. A comfortable place where I can write out my feeling and my mind. A place where I can see what I write in the past, and still learning those lesson. It means also, thank you for my TIK teacher, who teach me to made a blog, back then when I was a junior high school student. Thank you also, for anyone who somehow stumble upon this blog, and read one or two post. Hopefully this doesn't waste your time~



I think, if we really want to write all the things that we are thankful for, there will be too many. And it still is much less than what Allah gives us.

I hope Allah make us among people who are always grateful. Cause living without gratitude in our heart is a sad life. All we see is black, and negative, and I've been there for quite time. I suffer a lot TT So I don't want anyone to feel that.

Last but not least, let me just rewrite those quote that become a spark for me to learn to think positive again.

Ketika kita mengubah sikap mental kita kepada Allah, dari tidak mau tahu menjadi peduli, dari berburuk sangka menjadi ber-husnuzhzhan, dan dari ragu menjadi yakin padaNya, saat itulah Allah akan menunjukkan jalan-Nya kepada kita.
- Ustadz Salim Akhukum Fillah
Should I translate this quote? So that this post is full english? ^^ No, I think I can't translate it well... I try but,.. aku hidden aja deh hehe

When we change our frame of mind attitude to Allah, from "don't want to know" to "pay attention/care", from "prejudice" to husnuzhzhan, from "doubt" to "assure/believe", that is when Allah will show the way to us.


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