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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Path and Fruits of Guidance


Transkrip video pendek penjelasan salah satu doa di surat Al Kahfi.


عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَهْدِيَنِ رَبِّى لِأَقْرَبَ مِنْ هَـٰذَا رَشَدًۭا…

(QS Al Kahfi [18] : 24)

Now the last and what I considered the most beautiful part of this expression. 

"Perhaps Allah will guide me", guide me to what? He says "li aqraba min hadzaa rasyadaa".

You know, the language of this is so profound. And in a khutbah I can't give you lessons, because you'll have a headache. So I'm going to try to make this as simple as I can.

In the Arabic language, sometimes you say "over there", and sometimes you say "all the way over there".

When you say "all the way over there", you're saying that I'm guiding you to your destination. If you just say "over there", maybe you get over there, then you have to go somewhere else and somewhere else, and somewhere else.

But if I say "all the way over there", then I've told you that "that's where you have to go, you don't have to go any further than that."

When the "lam" is used, "'asaa ayyahdiyani rabbii li aqraba min hadzaa rasyadaa", this "lam", what it suggests, this is a muntaha.  There's no higher thing to ask in this dunya. If you get this, there's nothing better to ask for.

If the word "ila" was used, then you get there, then you get to go for something else and go for something else. You see?

So what I'm asking Allah in this ayah, and what you're asking Allah in this ayah, is for something that if you have it there's nothing better. It is the ultimate end.

Now what is that ultimate end?

He says,  "li aqraba min hadzaa", "closer than this"

"I hope Allah will guide me closer, all the way closer than this"

What is the word "this" mean? "This" means where I am right now.

Now let's understand what this means in simple language.  All of us, alhamdulillah, tsumma alhamdulillah have some degree of guidance, the fact that we're sitting in the house of Allah in jumuah means Allah have given us some guidance. Some people Allah has given more guidance, some Allah has given less guidance. Some have more knowledge, some have less knowledge. Some have better attention when they pray, some have less attention when they pray. We're not all on the same level, that's the fact.

But you know what's this du'a is telling you? My ultimate goal is to get closer to Allah than I am today. I am not here to compare myself to someone else. I am just here to compare myself from where I am right now. If I can just work on getting better than what I am right now, that is the ultimate success before Allah. There is no higher success.

You will never become perfect, I will never become perfect. All we can work on is becoming a little bit better, and then a little bit better, and then a little bit better. Just getting a little closer to Allah, and a little closer. And if a person dies becoming closer to Allah,  they are successful.

A lot of people, you know what they do? They compare themselves to others.

"Wow, this one's already memorized the entire Quran"

"Look at how they recite"

"They're at the Masjid every single day"

"They're there before the Adhan is even called"

"They're worshipping Allah so much more"

"They're so much more knowledgeable"

"They know so much more, they know Arabic, they know tafseer, they know this, they know that"

You know? Or "they dress better as Muslims than I do"

You know, don't compare yourself to anybody else. That's not what Allah wants.

Allah is not going to put you next to someone else and compare. He doesn't even want you to compare yourself to others in dunya, forget akhirah. Not even in dunya.

لَا تَتَمَنَّوْا۟ مَا فَضَّلَ ٱللَّهُ بِهِۦ بَعْضَكُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍۢ ۚ ..

(QS An-Nisa [4] ayat 32)

Don't wish for what other people have, what Allah has given some preference over others. Don't do that to yourself.

So what are we learning then? We're learning that… if for example you're starting to recite Quran today,  you're 35 years old, you haven't read it. You haven't even opened the book for 30 years, and you decide to start reading Quran today. You can't even get through bismillah, you don't even know what a "ba" looks like anymore. Now you have to learn like children.

There are people who are your age you can read like adults, but you have to read like a child, but that's okay. That's okay. When you learn even that "alif" or that "ba", and you make a little bit struggle closer to Allah and you died that way, maybe you're better than even an alim. Maybe you're better than a Hafidzul Quran, who memorize the whole book but has no appreciation, didn't want to make themselves a better person. Because who wants to make themselves a better person is in the heart, and Allah knows that.

So don't underestimate where you are with Allah. People can underestimate you. Allah does not underestimate you. People make it sound like guidance from Allah is hard, it's expensive it doesn't come easy. And Allah is opening the doors of it wide open. He's just asking you and me to embrace it and say, "Ya Allah guide me, bring me a little closer to Yourself"

"li aqraba min hadzaa rasyadan", in terms of uprightness, in terms of guidance.

The last word of this ayah, "rasyadan" is actually acknowledges, that the the fact that you're making this du'a, means that you're already on some guidance, that you shouldn't say that I'm misguided. It already acknowledged that. The fact that Allah gave you the ability to make this du'a itself is a gift of guidance from him. And Allah will give you more, and He will give you more, and He will give you more. This is the optimism of the Muslim.

When guidance comes in this world, then tuma'ninah come. You know ithminan comes. Our heart becomes tranquil.

أَلَا بِذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ ٱلْقُلُوبُ…

(QS. Ar-Ra'd [13] ayat 28]

This is what I want to conclude with. When a heart becomes tranquil, when a heart becomes at peace, than the people around that person, they're also …. that the peace is infectious, that Iman is infectious.

Peace spreads in the family, peace spreads among friends, peace spreads in a community, when guidance comes.

If the problem of the world is is conflict, hatred. If the problem of the world is war, then the solution to that is not other policies or more weapons. That's not the solution. It's not economic sanctions. What humanity needs is guidance. Because without guidance, you can't have peace .you just can't.

فَأَىُّ ٱلْفَرِيقَيْنِ أَحَقُّ بِٱلْأَمْنِ ۖ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ…

[Surat Al-An'am (6) ayat 81]

ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَلَمْ يَلْبِسُوٓا۟ إِيمَـٰنَهُم بِظُلْمٍ أُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ لَهُمُ ٱلْأَمْنُ وَهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ

[Surat Al-An'am (6) ayat 82]

Fa-ayyul fariiqaini ahaqqu bil amni inkuntum ta'lamun, alladziina aamanuu

Who deserves more peace? Those who believe, those who came to Iman. This is what we're asking Allah Azza wajall. 

When you and I make du'a for peace in the world, for peace in the Muslim lands, for peace for those who are oppressed. When we make those du'as then we're actually directly asking Allah to increase us and the world around us in guidance.

May Allah Azza wa jall increase all of us in guidance, and make us of those who are positive about their future, their own future, the future of their children, the future of this Ummah and the future of the world over. This entire world, we have to be concerned for it, not just our own Ummah. The entire world. We are the millah Ibrahim alayhi salam. Ibrahim alayhis salam used to be concerned for all of humanity. That is the legacy that we've inherited. So we have to be optimistic about the entire world. May allah so it'll make us that way. And make our future generation a beaming example of what it means to live the beautiful teachings of this book.


PS: Mohon koreksi jika ada kesalahan.

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