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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Fokus! Fokus!


-Musabah Diri-

Belajar fokus ya bell.. attention span, jangan melakukan banyak hal di satu waktu, dan berakhir ga ada yang selesai. Oke?

One of the attack of Syetan is called an nazgh, which is actually agitation. And it shares letter, two of them was naza, naza actually means to pull something. Naza-a is to pull something, and naza-gha is to poke/pull at someone, to agitate them. Like he's constantly try to agitate you to think about something else, when you're thinking about something else, he wants you think about something else. And from those, we learn something else.

We learn from the word nazgh, the attack of syetan that is he wants you to get involved in too many things at the same time, so you end up accomplishing what? Nothing. So you can't actually (focus).
It's very difficult, a lot of people come nowadays and they say, that I don't know how to focus. I just don't know how to do it. When I sit in to study, I start thinking about my phone, or I start thinking about a text messages. When I see my text messages, an update come from my facebook page, so I start looking at that, then somebody sends me a link of a video so I start watching that, and there's a related video, so I start watching those. Speaking of videos, I realize I haven't watch the 3rd episodes of that season, so I start watching that, and then the time's up, and the exam's starting. So I can't pay attention to one thing. So obviously, one of the visible devices of syetan is become our mobile devices.
- Nouman Ali Khan, cek video dengan subtitle bahasa indonesia-nya di sini

Buat jadwal yang ada waktunya mungkin, biar kamu bisa fokus. Jangan cuma buat to do list. Selain itu.. saat ngerjain sesuatu, biar ga keganggu hal lain, tutup hp, laptop juga, fokus. Selesaikan kerjaanmu, baru pindah ke kerjaan lain. It will take a long time if you do a lot of things once. Kalau perlu, putus koneksi juga boleh pas lagi nulis. You don't really need to connect to internet right? Kalau perlu cari referensi, kumpulin dulu aja, jadi pas waktunya searching/cari referensi ya sekalian. Nulis tetep nulis, biar bisa selesai, trus nanti diedit dan ditambahkan informasi hasil cari referensi. Jadi kan harusnya? Jangan sampai nulis cuma berhenti di draft ya Bell.. you know how pity your draft looked like. Menanti dirimu untuk mengedit dan menyelesaikannya hehe.

Bye~ Semangat! Wish a happy day^^ of course don't just wish, work for a happy day..



PS: Terimakasih yang sudah membuat subtitle videonya, aku baru bisa buat transkrip bahasa inggris di quotes yang aku suka, eh udah ada yang bikin subtitlenya ternyata. Jazakumullahu khairaan.

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