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Saturday, June 23, 2018




I know for sure the fault is in my hand. But I still don't know how to handle this suspicion in my head.


Lebih mudah percaya daripada curiga. Sungguh. Tapi untuk belajar percaya dan berhenti curiga, butuh usaha.


Kalau itu tidak terjadi, jangan mengada-adakan prasangka Bell. Yang tidak terjadi tidak dihitung, seperti niat buruk dalam hatimu, tidak dihitung dosa oleh Allah. 

Kalau itu ada di hati orang lain, kamu jauh lebih tidak tahu. What's in other people's heart?  Is it poison or honey? You won't know. Don't follow the little clue, it's just suspicion. And if it doesn't happen in front of your eyes, it means it really doesn't happen. Case closed. Ok?


Be strong^^ Be positive... 
Even if that's not going to be easy.
Stay strong, stay positive...


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